If you want to start trading on Naza168, you first need to register an account. This guide will walk you through the registration process, step by step. It’s straightforward and easy once you know what to do. If this sounds like it’s up your alley and you think it’s something you want to do, then read on. The Naza168 Register can be done in minutes once you get familiar with the steps and instructions provided here.
First Step – Sign Up
Registering for a new account is easy, but it can’t be done until you’re 18. To sign up, click on the Register button at the top of the page and enter your email address or phone number to create a password. Fill in your personal details such as name, date of birth and country. You’ll need this information if you ever forget your password so make sure it’s something you’ll remember.
Second Step – Enter Payment Information
First, you’ll need to enter your payment information. You can do this by clicking on the Payment Information tab at the top of the page. Once here, click on Add Payment Method. Select Credit/Debit Card and enter all necessary information. Make sure that your credit card is not expired and has a limit high enough to cover your purchase.
You will now be returned to the home page of your account. Click on My Account in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. Here you will see your name listed under My Account. Click Edit next to your name and change it if desired (in my case I changed mine from jose to Jose). Then scroll down until you see Your Wallet.
Third Step – Confirmation Email
You will now receive a confirmation email to verify your email address. Once you have confirmed, you can login and start managing your account. The next post we’ll cover how to set up your profile and settings.
Fourth Step – Logging in To the Dashboard
Once you’re logged in, you’ll be able to access your dashboard where you can manage your blog and all of the other features that come with being a member. On the left-hand side of your dashboard, there are tabs for blogging, email marketing, social media marketing, analytics and reporting. Click on any one of these tabs and explore what they have to offer.